Keep it Like a Secret

mid-week update

11:10 a.m., Nov. 26, 2003

I know I should be cleaning the house, but there is an adorable little black cat sitting on my lap, so I can't get up. Every time I nuzzle the top of her head, she makes this incredible squeaky-cat noise.

I haven't updated in forever! Well, things have been insane. We put the December issue to bed yesterday, and I have the next three days off for the holiday. The issue went fairly well; my editor and I are both happy. I've made some headway into January as well, which is good, because there's a lot of work to do yet. So work has been busy. But it's still good! It is such a wonderful thing to enjoy going to work, to get up in the morning and not dread every single moment. It's such a change from the past year, it's unbelievable.

Also, Keith has been going through a rough time of it lately. His parents are both sick - his dad is in the hospital because of a potassium condition and his mother has pneumonia. Now, his parents are somewhat challenging when they're at their best, which means things have been a little rough lately. I'm just hoping his dad comes home today so we can have a nice holiday, and that his mom's health improves and they can get back to normal. Keith is an only child, and this sort of thing is very hard on him, especially when he can't get a straight answer about what's going on. (He had to call the doctor himself because his mom got confused.)

Also, he's had some unfortunate stuff happen at work. It all seems to be resolved now, but basically, his company used to have all these high-flying dot-com policies and it's not financially viable now. So they're going to the same sort of HR policies of a normal company. Obviously, this is going to be a hard transition, going from having two three-week breaks a year to having two weeks' vacation, among other things. It's still hard on him, especially as someone who's been with the company a long time and who is a leader in his department.

So yeah. It's been pretty crazy around here, with all this shit going on. I'm actually looking forward to Christmas, as it looks less stressful than the last two weeks.

And now I really must clean the house because it's starting to look like Grey Gardens, and we can't have that.

Oh, also, I cut my hair off. It's not quite there, but think Cynthia Nixon. She's got a good look to cop.

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Siegfried. Five glorious hours of opera by Wagner, about a magic helmet and an evil dwarf. Bravo!

I hope my parents never get sick.

*there are no likes/dislikes on entries written before Oct. 12, 2002.

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